, pub-4813097244366720, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea, Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that recedes; I would empty my soul as the dreams that have gathered in me, I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul as it leads.
Everybody has two eyes Bright as stars they shine But their color may not be Just the same as mine. Brown or blue, gray or green What difference does it make? As long as you can see the sun Shining when you wake Some folks' hair is very black Some have blonde or brown Whatever color it may be It's a pretty crown Flowers have so many shades And I'm sure you know Many lovely gardens Where such flowers grow Children in this great big world Are flowers in a way Some are light, some are dark Like a real bouquet Did you ever stop to think How awful it would be If everybody looked the same Who would know you from me?




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!!! LOVE POEM !!!
The wind is tossing the lilacs, The new leaves laugh in the sun, And the petals fall on the orchard wall, But for me the spring is done. Beneath the apple blossoms I go a wintry way, For love that smiled in April Is false to me in May.
!!! SILENCE !!!
I asked the heaven of stars What I should give my love-- It answered me with silence, Silence above. I asked the darkened sea Down where the fishers go-- It answered me with silence, Silence below. Oh, I could give him weeping, Or I could give him song-- But how can I give silence, My whole life long? I dream that he is mine, I dream that he is true, And all his words I keep As rose-leaves hold the dew. O little thirsty rose, O little heart beware, Lest you should hope to hold A hundred roses' share.
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